Monday, January 13, 2014

McMurphanity Commandments

1. Annually, there must be a pilgrimage to the shore where we first went on the fishing trip. One member will be in charge of making the organizations of renting the boat. Another member must find two prostitutes to join us for the journey. One more person will be in charge of getting the four fishing rods. We will go out dressed in green to relive the excitement of being feared and free. The main requirement of each trip is to end the day with lots of laughter, just like Mack would have liked.

2. Every week we must have a poker/board game night in order to emulate McMurphy. Now that all the members are on their own and have jobs, they can use some of the money to gamble weekly. By doing so, we can perfect our cunning and clever skills that we originally saw in McMurphy. It is the perfect way to honor him. Additionally, games of darts will be played on these night with a picture of Nurse Ratched on the board. Highest scores go to those that hit her eye, her throat, or either of her giant breasts. Winner gets to choose the next game played.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked these two ideas! I just had a few thoughts I thought I would comment.

    For the first one, I think the idea of the annual fishing trip is great. I think it would be awesome if each year they had a different person go into the office with the captain and get him on the phone, and then steal the boat like they did the first time. I also liked the idea of the laughter, but I think it would also be neat if each year they managed to create their own unique catastrophe to cause the laughter. I say unique because I feel that re-experiencing the same catastrophe, while near impossible to mimic, would not cause McMurphy to react the same way he did originally. I think that each year the goal would be to create a situation that McMurphy would have the same type of reaction to.

    For the second one, I also really liked this idea. One of the things I thought would be a good touch to this would be that like the game of darts, there is a picture of Nurse Ratched on the wall of the room where the games are played. This would be a normal picture of Ratched, except her uniform wouldn't actually be part of the picture, but a piece of cloth or something attached to it. Once a person wins a game, they can run over to the picture and rip off the cloth, paying homage to the one true moment McMurphy "stripped" Ratched of her power.

    Hope you liked these ideas!


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